Wednesday, May 2, 2012

NPEurotelex, May 2: Up and Down in Euroland

Is German unemployment up or down? Pick one, depending on your European narrative! * Eurp PMI down, Euro unemployment up * Does Germany need the other Euro partners to export to? * Is Mario Angie's new Euro partner? * MPs elect new President of Hungary today * ECOFIN day today *  7 pts between Francois and Nicolas * Marine voted blank * CRAs upgrade Greece * What happened to the EU2020 Strategy for growth? * Troubles with Euro 2012 (the football one) * In need of euro-vision * Eurovision Song Contest is coming * Spanish economy exporting more outside the EU but did not avoid return to recession * What was the Euro created for? * Which country has the 5th largest population in the Euroland? * Remember the WTO? May 1-2:, General Council, Geneva * Which German state has elections on May 6? * How many European countries (3).

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