Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2012: Every vote and yard will count in the US political "running game"

These are my comments re "Obama 2012 Campaign Manager Paints Challenging Picture for Supporters", ABC News, April 25, 2011:

Obama would have much more to show for in his first had it not been for the destructive dogmatic wall built by the GOP esp in the Senate, certain US media as well lobbies, eg the ones that fought and econtinue to fight against Obamacare tooth & nail.

Thus 2013-2016 will simply be the 2nd half.. of a "Superbowl" political & policy battle that started in 2009. For US healthcare refom and many other policies that were delayed or blocked by the GOP et al in the "first half", 2009-2012, especially in the "first quarter" 2009-2010.

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