Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time to talk about the sovereignty of Europe from China, USA, Russia, et al

BBC News this morning reports that "The Chinese government, which is sitting on $2 trillion of foreign exchange reserves, has ample amounts of cash to fund loans which help promote its strategic objectives."

$2 trillion of foreign exchange reserves, $2 trillion of foreign exchange reserves! Enough to "buy" the world, including US & Europe?

The European Union is being built el cheapo, ie on a measly budget. Is it now being "sold" to China, el cheapo? EUropeans must understand that!

Time to talk about the sovereignty of EUrope! EU independence from China, Russia, USA, et al via full Union!

That is what Mrs Merkel, M. Sarkozy, all leaders of EU countries, even MM Cameron & Clegg, must explain to the voters/taxpayers!

This responsibility, of major historical proportions, also lies with all political parties, media & opinion makers, in Germany & around the EU.

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