2256 followers. 143 in Brussels (Belgium 160), 120 in London (UK 307), 33 in Paris (84 in France)
The following stats are based on tweepsmap.com raw data per country (Aug 6, 2012):
Based on 2256 followers:
1) The Eurozone followers are (only %s 0.05% (corresponds to 1.128 follower) and above listed)
13 of 17 Euro countries yield 0.05% or higher. Slovakia, Slovenia, Malta and Estonia yield less than that.
Belgium 7.11% = 160
Ireland 4.81%
France 3.72%
Germany 3.12%
España 2.74%
Netherlands 1.64%
Italy 1.15%
Portugal 0.77%
Finland 0.33%
Cyprus 0.22%
Austria 0.11%
Lux 0.05%
Total EZ: 36.44% = 822
2) Rest of the EU (EU minus Eurozone):
7 of the 10 clock 0.05% or more:
UK 13.62% = 307
Other non-EU 1.64% = 37
Sweden 0.71% = 16
Denmark 0.33% = 7 (7.4)
Hungary 0.22%
Latvia 0.16%
Bulgaria 0.11%
Czech Republic 0.11%
Total non EZ EU: 15.26%, 344 tweeps
1+2 (total EU27): 51.70%, 1166 tweeps
3) USA 22.05%, 497 tweeps
4) Rest of the world (world minus EU minus USA): 25.8%, 582
Athens, AttikÃ, Greece 6.73%
Brussels, Brüssel, Belgium 6.35% = 143
London, England, UK 5.31% = 120
Somewhere, UK 2.74%
Somewhere, Greece 2.46%
Somewhere, USA 2.3%
NYC, New York, USA 2.3%
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland 2.08%
Los Angeles, California, USA 1.59%
Paris, ÃŽle-de-France, France 1.48%
Somewhere, Ireland 1.48%
Somewhere, England, UK 1.2%
Berlin, Berlin, Germany 0.98% = 22
Somewhere, California, USA 0.98%
ThessalonÃki, Voria Ellada, Greece 0.82%
Madrid, Madrid, España 0.82%
Chicago, Illinois, USA 0.71%
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 0.66%
Washington, District of Columbia, USA 0.66%
Barcelona, Catalonia, España 0.6%