Friday, May 16, 2008

The world, now - Client Service

Video version:

Text version:

Wriiten: Tuesday 24 January 2006
Narrated: Friday, 16 May 2006

I want the world and I want it know
She said

Can you settle for half the world now
Or the whole world later?
He asked?

No, I want the world and I want it now
She insisted

What makes you think you can have it?
He asked

Cause I want it!
She replied, impatiently.

But do you need it?
He continued

You are stalling!
She accused him

Can you deliver the world to me now or not?
She insisted

I can, but not to you
He replied

Why not to me?
She asked, quite upset!

Cause I do not want to
He replied

Who on Earth do you think you are?
She challenged him

He replied

How dare you joke!
Your boss will hear about this
She said angrily

I am a free lancer
He replied
I do not have a boss
He said

The line was long
It was going to be another long day

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